09. January 2024

Renewable energy survey "Specialist work"

Dear interested parties and owners,

We hereby support the student Emma Wenzel in her research project on renewable energy and ask for your assistance. The following survey will take no longer than 5 minutes.

Introduction student:

My name is Emma Wenzel,

16 years old and currently studying at Adolph-Diesterweg-Gymnasium. I would be delighted if you could help me with my dissertation on renewable energies. I have prepared a short survey for this purpose. The aim of the survey is to find out your opinion and attitude towards renewable energies. Renewable energies are playing an increasingly important role in the global energy supply and therefore also in our domestic environment. Not only are they more environmentally friendly, they are also a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. By taking part, you are helping me to statistically determine where the acceptance, barriers and opportunities for renewable energies lie in the Vogtland region.

I would be delighted if you would take a few moments to take part in my survey.

You can start the survey now by clicking on the link below. https://www.empirio.de/s/16bVudd1pL

Thank you very much!

Yours, Emma Wenzel

30. August 2024

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01. July 2024

New qualified rent index for Plauen 2024 published

Discover the city of Plauen's new qualified rent index for 2024 and find out why this guide, which is updated every two years, is essential for both tenants and owners to set fair rents and understand market trends. Stay informed about current rental price trends in Plauen and download the full rent index directly. Read the full blog post for more details!

01. January 2024

First occupancy begins - house completed

Following the successful completion of the building inspection by the responsible building authority of the city of Plauen, the first residents will start moving in on 3 January 2024.
